Product Photography - rich cirminello | PHOTOGRAPHY

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Perfection you can Count On

Product Photography

Product Photography for Passionate People.

Anyone can ‘take pictures’ of ‘stuff.’ If all you have is stuff to sell, then any photographer will do (perhaps even yourself).  Simply set up some fabric, paper or foam core by a window and take photos with your phone.

But if your products are special, if you’re excited about them and you want that excitement to be passed on to your clients through your website, social channels and marketing, then you need a photographer that you can trust to care as much about creating the perfect photo as you do about your amazing and beautiful products.

To see if we’re a fit, give us a few details about your product and we’ll get back to you to schedule a consultation.

We don’t take on clients who aren’t passionate or whose products don’t excite us. We don’t take photos of stuff for people who don’t care.

Every client is treated like a Celebrity, and every session as a collaboration.

Reach out and let us begin planning your perfect photo session today.

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Phone: 201:320.7720
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